Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday a.k.a. Friday

I worked really, really hard this week to ensure I could take a day off. Finally. *insert sigh of relief* Happy Friday to me!

E-mail set to "out of office": check. Voicemail set to "extended absence greeting": check. Backup person selected to check the group inbox: check. TV shows a-plenty to catch up on tomorrow: check, check! All I can say is, it shall be grrrrrrrrrrrrreat!

So two more awesome things happened today, after my Random Awesomeness blog was written yesterday. Boooooooo. Oh well, I'll share them anyway!

1. This morning I received an e-mail from the CPA (payroll association) to say I had completed all requirements required to apply for my PCP certification. YAY! I promptly went to their website to do so, of course!

2. This afternoon I received my official transcript in the mail. Nice timing, CPA! Sweet! I knew my marks after writing each exam, but it's nice to have the paperwork to prove it.

Soon I'll have the official, OFFICIAL word that I'm a PCP. Hopefully sooner than later considering I'm tired of waiting. Not only that but all this waiting is making me tired *yawn*. Then I'll have a few months to ponder my future in payroll, as there aren't any more courses available in Regina for the spring. I only need three more, but a few will be tough, so I have to really want it in order to spend the time required to get them finished. I don't doubt for a second that I'm capable of it, I just don't want the stress if it's not absolutely necessary or I feel it will be worthwhile. Makes sense, right? I'm not 20 anymore... I don't exactly want to spend the rest of my life taking college classes. I realize there will always be education in my life, I just don't want to spend all my time doing it.'s 19 decimal places: 3.1415926535897932384

In case any of you were wondering (or doubting), yes I really am memorizing it. 

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