Thursday, January 19, 2012

A TPHD for a (nearly) PCP

So, the meeting today went well overall. I am getting the TPHD (Temporary Promotion to Higher Duties) so I can officially start saying I'm a Payroll Analyst. It's retroactive to December 1, so that means back-pay and a refund on my union dues (the position is out-of-scope). As it's only until February 29, we'll have to see what awaits me after that date. Regardless of what does happen, I'm very happy to (FINALLY) be getting the pay I deserve.

I will have a few things to work on to make it so they want to offer me the position permanently -- to prove myself, really -- but I've got 6 weeks to do that. Initially it can be hard to hear negative feedback, but it's all constructive and I truly don't have a problem receiving it. If I'm not told, I can't work on it.

Now just to get my PCP (Payroll Compliance Practitioner) designation sorted out. My course "officially" ended January 15, even though I had completed it before December 1. Sucky deal, I say. I have to wait up to six more weeks for my course mark to be updated with the CPA (Canadian Payroll Association) so that I can apply for my the PCP. Once that's taken place, I'll be able to start using the designation and decide if I want to go further and get my CPM (Certified Payroll Manager) designation too.

Between now and the end of February, I'm just going to keep working hard, being a professional, helpful, team-player. We'll see where it takes me... fingers crossed!

Now I can start planning that warm vacay :)

Hey it's a Thursday, let's have some pi: 3.141592653589793

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