Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Random Awesomeness

What to say... what to say... I'm tired and sore and it's about 15 minutes before I'd like to go to bed... hmmm. Okay, I'll list the awesome things that happened today:

1. I didn't slide into the ditch on the way to work today while driving on a slick, just-been-freezing-rained-on Ring Road. Yay!

2. I found a sweet parking spot less than a block from the building. Yes!

3. My willpower managed to keep me away from the chocolate truffles. Right on!

4. I (almost) got everything done that was on my desk today. Woot!

5. I signed up to park in the boss's spot for a few days while she's away in Australia. Bingo!

6. For whatever reason, it wasn't as cold in the office this afternoon so I didn't freeze. Ha!

7. I left 15 minutes early today... because I can. Booyah!

8. I got to pull 92.1 FM's "5 o'clock work whistle" on the way home today, and won dinner out at East Side Mario's. Shabam!

9. I gained weight this week... but get to keep my travelling gift because I'm still under goal. Oh yeah!

10. Some really nice TOPS friends wrote me some really nice, inspirational cards. :) Amen!


Night all. Have a piece of pi for me today, eh? :p

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