Friday, January 6, 2012

Vexations, Annoyances and Peeves

Unsure what to write about today, my final idea came to me as I attempted to stick a socked foot into the leg of my stretchy, cotton pants. If you've ever experienced what I did, you'll understand why I had to sit down and list out all my peeves. 
  • drivers that consistently go through red lights (i.e. the entire city of Regina)
  • dishes that get put away in the wrong spot
  • expecting to watch a particular show on tv because the guide says it's on... only to find out something else is on instead
  • legal-sized paper left in the manual feed tray and printing something (or so I thought) on letter-sized paper
  • spelling errors in professional documents/newsletters/etc
  • running out of toilet paper when already sitting on the toilet
  • all the traffic lights in Regina. Seriously. Haven't they heard of a timing system?
  • messy desks. You know, the desks of those people that claim they "know exactly where everything is". Uh huh. Sure. Right. Whatever.
  • people messing with the stuff on my desk
  • pants that are too short, like every pair I own
  • stupid, smart people (see blog Get Smart)
  • housecats let out of the house to wander the neighborhood
  • the use of Scottish slang on Facebook
  • winter-dry skin, all year 'round
  • freshly-cleaned floors getting dirty within the first hour
  • finding out that nail polish that was perfectly usable a week ago has suddenly turned to crap. Not literally, but it's all goopy and thick and utterly useless.
  • Waking up in the middle of a really fantastic dream
I could probably think of a whole lot more given the time, but alas, there is other work to be done!

Thanks for reading :)

I'll have to start taking my pi with some "a la mode"... 3.14159265

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