Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Public Transit Conversations

I take the bus at least a few days each week. The #1 comes so close to my house, at two different stops, that I feel spoiled to just walk around the corner to get on. It's also cheap, so since a second car is not-so-cheap, taking the bus is just a smart idea. I've been doing so on and off since Paul got his license in December 2004. Sure, there can be some weirdos, oddballs, and kooks that also ride, but it helps the environment and my wallet!

Regina is not unlike any other city in terms of public transport. The bus is almost always 2 minutes late (at minimum), sometimes drivers don't realize you pulled the cord to get off at the next stop, and many passengers don't understand the basics of the system. I'm referring specifically to places the bus stops, regardless of if anyone planned to get off or on, a.k.a a "planned stop".

Going either east or west, my bus stops at three different locations downtown "as planned". The second/middle stop is timed, in that the bus stops there and, presuming it wasn't late, leaves after a few minutes at a certain time. As long as my transfer hasn't already left that stop, I always get off the #1 there and go to the #13 or the 7. Today the #7 was a tad earlier than the 13, so I got on it. They both stop next to my workplace, so both work. Except today, there were a few "characters" I got to listen to on the short ride. Here's what I recall:

Hooded Girl: (to the two sitting with her) "Look, there's my bus." (as she looks out the left side of the bus to the one next to us)
Old Woman: Yeah, I see it... (blah blah blah)
Hooded Girl: So, I need to get on it at the next stop (proceeds to pull cord)
Old Woman: No, this bus goes the same way as that one.
Hooded Girl: No it doesn't...(blah blah blah)
Old Woman: Yes, it does... (blah blah blah)
Hooded Girl: No, I need to get on that other one...(blah blah blah)
Old Woman: No, really, it does, you just have to walk to... (blah blah blah)
Hooded Girl: (shakes head) Okay okay, I see. I'll just stay on this one. (to Toque Girl) Go tell the bus driver he doesn't need to stop.
Toque Girl: walks up to the bus driver as he pulls over at planned stop #3. (Inaudible speech to driver, presumably about him not needing to stop now because of Hooded Girl's indecisiveness.) Walks back to the others. He's not very happy, you guys! The bus driver is not happy with you!

This is where I insert my own "LOL", because that's what I did, albeit quietly. You really had to be there to get the full effect, because it was obvious that Toque Girl had a learning disability (no, I'm not laughing at her disability!), and possibly Old Woman. It's just that they were they were so sincere about the bus stopping and Toque Girl really thought the bus driver was mad! Oh wow.

I don't want to say that it's common sense for them to know that the bus is going to stop there, regardless of Hooded Girl pulling the stop cord. HOWEVER, they do ride the bus, and I bet it's a daily affair, so you would think that they'd realize. I guess they don't.

Oh well, I will continue to ride the bus and hopefully will hear many more interesting conversations. Maybe I can start educating a few of them too...

I'm a tad full but... 3.14159265358979

1 comment:

  1. :p I love riding the bus. Though you are right it has some crazy people on it a vast majority of those that ride are good and nice people. :D
    I will say this I can't wait till I can have ab lind person stick maybe then all the old people will stop looking at me funny when the bus drivers at night make htem move so he can let me off at my stop ( go blind person ;p)


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