Friday, January 20, 2012


Seriously, I could not be more happy that it's Friday and I am going to (attempt to) forget about work for two days. 

Tonight is "Fringe" night. Great show, but I hear it may be coming to an end after this season. Uber bummer. Paul got me into by accident: he downloaded Season One a few years ago and I just happened to look at his computer one night as I walked by him, so see what he was watching. I was like, "whoa, what are they doing? What is that show?" He figured since I was interested, I might as well just get into it and watch the entire season. So, I did and it was awesome and we've watched it on Friday nights together ever since. Notable actors: Josh Jackson (from Dawson's Creek and the Mighty Duck movies), and (for you LOTR fans, the Steward of Gondor: Denethor) John Noble.To this day I don't really care for the main female character Olivia (played by Anna Torv), as I think her acting is really fake, but she's part of the show, and Paul likes her. Meh.

As usual, Casey will attempt to annoy the crap out of us while we watch it in the basement, followed by some attempted licking of my entertainment unit, followed by a bathroom break and play outside. Then we'll finish watching our shows and I can go to bed. Mmmmmmm. Bed *smile*.

Yummy dinner eaten: check
TV shows prepped for tonight: check
Barking dog: as usual, check
Blog written: .....check!

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