Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Winter: A Short Note

As I sit here at the table, I can hear the wind picking up. It's supposed to snow tonight and get quite cold, not unlike a "normal" January day.

What's with the weather lately? Regina broke the daytime high record yesterday, with 5.7 degrees. Previously, the same day in 1957 had the record, with 5.6 degrees. I hate to be the odd one but, I just want winter already! Sure, it snows in November-December, as if it's going to be winter and actually gets cold enough for the parka. Then it warms up and melts and creates a sheet of ice over everything. Then it snows again, a bit, then melts all over again. Snow, melt, snow, melt. What the deuce?!

This is only my second winter in Regina and the one thing I absolutely hate about this city is the traffic issues when it does snow. It will take up to 45 minutes to get home; a drive that typically takes only 15. I'm not really unhappy I don't have to deal with that right now, but this weather actually gives me more stress.

On the weekend I just wanted to take Casey out for a walk, but we didn't make it even a block away without wiping out on the sidewalk. We ended up taking the shortest walk ever that day. I came home quite upset about it, actually, because "my" season is winter and I can't even go out on a nice day with my dog to enjoy it. I don't normally experience the "winter blues" because I make the most of it. I like shoveling, and walking in the snow, and doing outdoorsy things like skating. This winter is different though. It's thrown of my balance completely and I'm getting a major itch for the white stuff.

Thankfully, God is sending some my way tonight so in the morning I should start feeling more happy. Until then, I'll just have to listen to the wind, and Casey, howl.

I'm too tired for pi. More tomorrow. I did memorize 3.141592653 though.

FYI: It's now Wednesday and...it did not snow last night. So much for the weather report.

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