Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Short Note for the Weary

I'm exhausted, so this is going to be short.

I made it to a milestone of sorts today, or rather, an achievement: I weighed in at my lowest weight so far since joining TOPS in August 2010! I'm pretty happy about it. Of course I promptly celebrated with a Super Bean Burrito (yum) *smile*. I'd potentially like to lose about 5 more pounds, so my loss this past week really helps.

I have a meeting first thing in the morning with my director. It's to discuss my temporary promotion "and other matters". As I'm easily intimidated by higher-ups (are you surprised? This is something many people don't realize about me considering the confidence I often exude...) I'm a little nervous what that means. I do know that there are changes occurring in my department, so it's probably just about that. Unfortunately my head plays tricks and gives me all sorts of horrible thoughts like, maybe I won't get the TPHD now, or maybe I said something the wrong way to some employee and they complained about me, or... or... I don't know.

Either way, I'm really too tired to even think about it so I'm taking a muscle relaxant and going to bed. 'Nough said.

If you expected a piece of pi tonight, you're sorely mistaken. Pfffft!

1 comment:

  1. That's why you can never judge anyone by their outside cover. I've been surprised to discover that many people I've perceived to be confident are in fact lacking in self-esteem.

    I always worry when something is happening at work as well and tend to think the worst when usually it's nothing. Hope today turns out to be a wonderfully positive experience for you.


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