Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Get Smart

So last night I was watching the game show "Who's Still Standing?". The premise is, some regular Joe is competing against 10 other people, from all different walks of life. He successfully beat out the first guy, then moved on to compete against an African American woman whom I believe he thought was potentially "easy to beat". It turns out that she had graduated Summa Cum Laude from Pepperdine University with a 3.93 GPA. Woohoo.

Ok so here they go, answering common trivia questions one at a time until one beats the other. She got the first one right, and then he did, and then her next question was absolutely ridiculous. It was referring to the Bill Murray movie where he had to relive February 2nd over and over. You already know the answer, right? Well, another bit about the show is, they're given the answer with blanks in all the letters except at least one in each word. It said "G_ _ _ _ _ _ _ D_ _". Obviously I expected her to blurt it out. Guess what? She didn't! It was all like, "um... um... oh wow... ummmmm.... oh my god oh my god oh my god... ummmm..... ummmmmmmmmmm.....oh my god!!!!" 20 seconds later (they have a time limit), she did NOT get the answer. Of course it went to him and he shouted it out and she's all embarassed and like "how in the heck did I not know the answer?!"

This gets me to the point of my blog today. Why is it that there are so many "smart" people out there that don't know anything? I pride myself in knowing a little about a lot of things and this has actually served quite a purpose! Ok don't beat me up if you're one of those street and book smart people. I'm not saying that you can't be very intelligent in many areas. I'm just referring to those people that have graduated with such distinction (as in the above woman), but lack in areas that they clearly didn't spend much time in during their lengthy education.

The best way to get to know a little about a lot is to just pay attention to your surroundings. I've always got my ear to the ground, listening to what others are saying, reading newspapers and magazines, and just being aware of what's going on around me. If I never have to use it, at least I know it! I take pride in the fact that I often know the answer to a question someone has. Call me a know-it-all, or whatever you want, but I like it this way. Maybe someday I'll get on Jeopardy and you'll say, "oh that's cool, it must be because she knows a little about a lot of things!" LOL

In summary, if you ever get on a game show, pick the person you think is the smartest... they might not be!

Pi today is: 3.14159


  1. I know someone like you that knows a lot about everything. His brain is overflowing with, what some might call, useless trivia. Only problem, he doesn't have a clue where things are supposed to go in the kitchen. I am continually hunting for things that he put away. You're not like that though are you? LOL


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