Sunday, January 22, 2012

Losing Weight... and Keeping it Off

Weight loss sure is difficult. It took me 353 days to lose enough to make it to my goal -- a predetermined number based on my beginning weight and BMI -- and it's been 177 more to attempt to keep it off. 

There's really not much to say about my journey in the first year. I moved to Regina to make a change, and decided that weight loss was included in that. I joined TOPS on August 11, 2010 and never looked back. Through some exercise (in the first 4 months, anyway) and a change in my overall food choices and eating behaviours, I lost over 40 pounds and have stayed within my "leeway" for nearly six months.

Save for six weeks immediately following reaching my goal (okay, maybe I celebrated that achievement a tad too much...) I've been at or below it since. This isn't an easy feat, however. Imagine being skinny and not having to worry, at all, about what you eat. Now imagine being fat, losing weight, than having to remember that just because you look like you can eat whatever you want, you really can't. That's basically how it goes. Even though I've lost it, I still have to (and want to!) maintain it. The healthy choices will never change. 

So, what do I do to keep it off, you ask? Well, Sunday through Wednesday afternoon I really watch what I put in my mouth and keep in mind the calories for each day. I don't actually count them, but I'm aware of approximately how much I'm eating. I know I have to stay within 1200-1500 per day to lose a little before weigh-in. Each Wednesday night my dinner the rule is, "if you want to eat it, eat it." I make that choice regardless if I gained or lost or stayed the same that week. If I don't enjoy myself, I can't continue to do it. I also eat more than "normal" on Thursday and Friday for lunch. If I want to buy a wrap for lunch, rather than eat my usual, I do. Or if I want to have a bigger dinner, than I do. I just have to be aware that the calories add up and if I do want a good number on Wednesday, I can't be stupid. It's about the overall choices you make that will make the difference.

This might sound really harsh, but it works for me and I feel really good about it. It's very structured, and I still get to enjoy myself. I truly enjoy the food I eat on the days I'm limiting my intake, otherwise it wouldn't be any fun and I wouldn't be doing so well. It also helps to attend my TOPS meetings each Wednesday to remind me why I do what I do, and why I have to continue to do it. I enjoy being a role model of sorts for other group members struggling to lose the weight.

I'm happy where I am right now, at 3 pounds below my goal weight, but am trying to lose just a little more. It's nice to have the extra leeway to enjoy myself when I want to. Also, it costs WAY too much to buy a whole new wardrobe (I know that for a fact!) and since I got rid of all my "fat clothes", I ain't going back there!

New week, new pi: 3.1415926535897932

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