Monday, January 30, 2012

It's That Time of Year Again

It may not be Christmas anymore, but our family friend's original song titled "It's That Time of Year Again" popped into my head today. It may refer to Christmas, but it seemed to suit the fact that it's now tax season. Here's the main chorus:

"It's that time of year again
That special time of year again
It's that time of year again
There's magic in the air."

I'm not so sure there's any magic in my air, but it sure is a "special" time. I find it most frustrating trying to collect all my tax receipts so I can actually get to filing. Especially since Paul changed jobs last August, and we had trouble just getting his record of employment. I'll have to give them a call because they probably sent it to our old address. Go figure.

Once I have all my paperwork ready, the rest is pretty simple. A few years ago a friend of mine helped me file my taxes online. Wow, was it ever cheap and fairly easy! My aunt always said I should do it on my own but it wasn't until we had to fork over $200 to a local firm that I decided we would no longer be paying someone else to do them. I think that the only way I'd pay someone to do them for me is if I owned a business. Otherwise, filing personal taxes sure doesn't require rocket science.

You know what I find most funny about tax season? The number of people that don't file on time and have to incur a penalty. How dumb is that? Seriously. If you're given two months, what's the problem? I even have people asking for 2010 T4s at work, as if they didn't need to ask for it a year ago... really?

We sure do keep busy at this time of year though. Before becoming employed in payroll, I had no idea how much work was involved in getting the data together. You'd be surprised how many errors had to be fixed and how little things can affect the year-end result. I'm not personally involved with T4 generation, but I see my co-workers working their little butts off to meet a deadline. I have total faith that they'll get it done in time, but I'm glad I don't have to do it. This year anyway...

For now, I'll just get my own stuff together and hope for a nice return!

A piece of pi (no taxes included!): 3.141592653589793238462

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