Monday, January 9, 2012

Tick, tock, tick, tock...

After work today, I had to make a stop to fill some prescriptions and grab a couple things for Paul. For the last few years we've always gone to WalMart for prescriptions, but that was really only because it was close to our home in Brandon and I could buy other necessities while waiting. That and I like to be able to phone in the refill with their automated service and go pick it up at a time I choose. Since moving to Regina, however, the WalMart is now further from home and it seems to take them forever to fill any Rx.

I've been really busy lately so I wasn't interested in waiting 30-40 minutes while hungry and tired after a long day at work, so I decided to go to Superstore instead. My theory was that they always seemed less busy and I'm there every week anyway. So, it's 5 pm and I'm standing there, the first in line, and some older woman is chatting up the lady at the counter. I guess they knew each other and were dishing the dirt. Who cares?! I didn't have an overly impressed look on my face, but it didn't seem to matter. I just stood there, tapping my toe, clearing a throat a few times to get some attention. Finally, the pharmacist that had been on the phone at the second counter was able to help me. "Thank you!", I proclaimed. That was soooo annoying. I had almost gone up to the counter to say to the two ladies, "excuse me but, are you finished here?" So, so tempted.

Anyway, I get the stuff setup since it's my first time there and all, and I'm told it will be about 25 minutes. I contemplate going home but decide instead to make the quick stop across the street for Paul's laces and work socks. I found what I needed, no thanks to the employees there. What is it about Mark's Work Warehouse? You almost have to pull teeth to get any assistance. Reminds me of Home Depot... Then at the till I wait for what seems like an eon for a young "rigger" to try and pay. Turns out there's a problem with his new chip Mastercard, so he puts the item on hold. The cashier couldn't be any slower though, seriously. Like, I'd rather have a tooth pulled than wait any longer today. I've almost had it. But, I get to pay for my stuff, put on a fake smile (it was appropriate, see my "Vrai ou Faux" blog), pretend I care that she "loves my sparkly, blue wallet and my cute purse" (OMG), and basically run outta there.

It's been about 20 minutes by this time, so might as well go back to Superstore. Lucky for me there was a sweet parking spot near the door. But...but... I get inside to the pharmacy and guess what? I have to WAIT!!! A couple of "coffin dodgers" were holding up the line doing who-knows-what. Again, just stood tapping my toe and trying not to look too frustrated. I finally got to go to the counter and lucky me, my Rx was ready to go. But...but... guess what? I had to speak to the pharmacist, and...and...guess what? He was busy! Again with the foot tapping, anxiously-waiting, pretending to read something........ a few minutes later, all is well and I hightail it outta there.

To top my excursion off, I had to wait at not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 sets of lights, all on one mile-long stretch. Go...stop. Go....stop. Go......stop. Go...........stop!

Okay, I finally made it home, with Paul starting dinner (thanks to a text I was able to send at one of those red lights), and I'm sitting here now. Whew.

I hate waiting. It's such a horrible waste of my time. Not only do I hate waiting, but I also hate making others wait. I try not to rush all the time, but if there's no reason to take it slow, then go! We spend an average of, get this, 2-3 years of our entire lives just waiting, whether it be in line at the store, or filling up our gas tank. That's sick! I feel like the precious few hours I have every evening needs to be spent writing my blog, or reading a good book, or playing with the dog, or talking to Paul.

Next time I have an errand like this to do, I'll either try to be more patient and just "get over it", or I'll plan it out better. I did attempt to plan ahead by calling the pharmacy this afternoon to see if they'd take a faxed copy of my Rx in advance. That was a no-go, and therefore so was my prepping.

Alas, we must wait. Tick-tock goes the clock, and all the years they fly...

I'm not hungry anymore after my delicious dinner, but here's some pi: 3.141592653

1 comment:

  1. I dislike waiting as well. One of my pet peeves is waiting on people who are always late...and breeze in without a word of apology. I think it's rude and basically implies that they feel their time is more important than mine. GRRRR...:)


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