Friday, January 27, 2012

My Lazy Friday

6:00 am - woke up to Paul's alarm clock.
6:01 am - went back to sleep
6:30 am - woke up again just to make sure Paul had gotten out of bed to get up for work. He hadn't. Told him to get up.
6:32 am - potty break
6:33 am - went back to bed
8:30 am - decided that, although staying in bed all day might be fun, my back was sore so getting up was probably a good idea
9:00 am - finished eating a yummy breakfast and took Casey out to play/go potty
9:10 am - got comfy on the couch to watch the movie "Precious" (really good movie, but beware of the language if you want to see it)

...some time later, between potty breaks, playing and such...

12:30 pm - ate lunch
12:45 pm - got comfy on the couch again to watch the movie "Archangel", based on a book I read a few years ago (the book was WAY better than the movie, like, way to cram a 300 page book into a crummy 120 minute movie people!) I had a short nap somewhere in there...

3:00 pm or so... - more potty breaks and playtime then got comfy on the couch yet again to watch the movie "Moneyball", and do a little price checking on Mexico vacations (this was a good movie, especially if you like baseball)
4:30 pm - puppy potty break and play outside
4:40 pm - Paul unexpectedly shows up, home from work. I thought he'd be much later because he was sent out of town. Guess not late after all!
5:00 pm - make the old man dinner and clean up the kitchen. My job is never done, even on my day off...
5:30 pm - make myself some dinner and eat it while watching the rest of "Moneyball"
6:40 pm - head downstairs for Friday Night Family Time to watch "our" shows
10:00 pm - go to bed!

Wow, what a day. You know what though, I definitely couldn't do it every day!

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