Thursday, January 12, 2012

Casey and Me

Tonight, as I sit at my computer with a dog that wants to be played with by a daddy that's not home to do so at the moment, I figure it's no better time than any to talk about the little "mutt". Unfortunately, since Paul is working late, I have to break every few moments to throw her ball... one second...okay done. There are links in the text below, to pictures of Casey et al, so make sure you click on them!

Casey the Jack Russell Terrier (JRT), better known as "Casey J. Dog Nairn" in our house, and legally named Red Trail Casey, was born on March 28, 2010. She has two sisters and two brothers and is the largest (and craziest) of the litter. Her doggy mama is Red Trail Isis, and her doggy papa is Foxwillow Oakley.

Casey was a surprise 35th birthday gift for Paul. He had the choice of a few but picked her because she chose him; by chewing on his toes when they met. Paul grew up with JRTs, but I didn't grow up having any breed of dog whatsoever. It turns out that Casey has been quite the learning experience for me as a first-timer...

Casey's best traits are: loyalty, intelligence, good looks, speed, agility and, my personal favourite, cuddlebility. Her worst traits are: barking, strong will,  jealousy, and energy. I know, she's a Jack, what did I think she was gonna have, no energy?! I just didn't know what to extent she'd compare to the Energizer bunny. That's why she's "Paul's dog" when she wants to play, and "my dog" when she wants to snooze on the couch on a Saturday afternoon.

Casey's doggy papa is very talented in jumping. He wins competitions often and can jump very high for such a small dog. Casey's mama is more laid back. Guess who she takes after more? We've taken two agility courses, and are back for a second obedience course to learn how to "stay". Unfortunately she needs to learn that particular command before we can move on in agility. We plan to attend the Rainier Trial in Washington state this August, as long as everything works out. Her breeder-grandmas Robin and Suzanne will hopefully be there with all their JRTs as well. I think it will be fun as she'll get to hang out with other Jacks and compete in competitions. And I've already come up with a fun competition name for her: Kamikaze. Like it? I think it totally suits her personality.

Miss Casey J's favourite things to do are eat, play with her rubber balls (sometimes more than one at a time), go for walks, play with other dogs (no matter what size they are), kiss her kitty brother and sister and make them go nuts, bark at anything and everything that is outside the house, chew on raw bones, dig for buried treasure/dig to China (not sure which one it is sometimes!), and give her daddy and mommy kisses (mommy prefers wet willies though...). She hates being told "no", wearing her bark collar, and not getting to play with the dog across the street.

Casey is (mostly) a joy to have around. I struggle, however, with her routine when Paul's working late or, even worse, out of town for the night. Neither of us girls get much sleep when daddy isn't home. She is, after all, his baby girl. Paul always says she likes me more, but I just spoil her. I do love that when we get home together, she needs me to come outside with them before she'll do her business. Casey is a true part of the Nairn family, and I really don't know what we'd do without her.

I never thought I'd become a dog-person, but she quickly grew on me as a puppy, and now I know we'll someday get her a brother to play with. I feel bad that winters here are so cold and long, as we can't spend as much time outside or go to the dog park. Paul is a good playmate though, and I very much appreciate his willingness to spend lots of time throwing around her ball. The worst mistake you can make with Casey is to let her sleep in the evening before bed; a tired Jack = a happy, well-slept family. Thank God for stairs and rubber chewy balls!

Well, Paul called and he's on his way home, so both of us will be happy to see him. Casey's getting bored, and I just want some "alone time". I love her, but go I ever need a break from her sometimes!

Gosh, that face gets me every time.. she just came over with her little wrinkly head, her mouth full of rubber ball. Awwwwwwww. Gotta go!

Pi for the day: 3.14159265358

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