Monday, January 16, 2012

Readers' Choice Topic: What a Load of Crap!

I want to thank my friend Jeremy for his lovely idea of what I could write about tonight. I'm sure he thought I'd never (no way, Jose!) write about what he considers "faux pas". But heck, why not? I mean, everybody poops, right?

So yeah, I'm writing about "Bowel Movements". Why is it so off-the-wall to talk about something like this, something that everyone -- and their dog -- do? What exactly is a bowel movement anyway?

A bowel movement is the last stop in the movement of food through your digestive tract. It is made of what is left after your digestive system (stomach, small intestine, and colon) absorbs nutrients and fluids from what you eat and drink.
Sometimes a bowel movement isn't normal. Diarrhea happens when stool passes through the large intestine too quickly. Constipation occurs when stool passes through the large intestine too slowly. Other abnormalities with bowel movements may be a sign of a digestive problem.

That's not gross, it's just the facts. My co-worker is the first person I've ever met to openly talk about things like this. I don't know why she does it, but I chalk it up to the fact that she simply "gets" that it's real life and there's no reason to hide it. Maybe if more people were openly talking about their "movements", they'd understand what's normal, or not-so-normal.

At home we talk about it, but it's more funny than anything. Sure it's still a little gross, but we don't have a real problem with it. I mean, it's not like I sit on the toilet with the door open or anything...

I think if everyone still had to use an outhouse to do their business, things would be different. I know for a fact that many families had dual-seats and they would use them at the same time. Now how's that for openness!

So, the next time you turn up your nose at a poopy conversation, think twice and remember that not only are you doing it, they are too!

Since I'd love some pi.. 3.1415926535897

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