Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday Ramblings

My Saturday started off with a frustrating half-hour of Obedience class with Casey... followed by a very productive half-hour of Obedience class with Casey. She sure has a strong will, that precious pup-pup of  ours, but when she "gets it", she makes me proud. The instructor (who was subbing for two weeks for our usual girl who's on vacation in Vegas) has some techniques I like quite a bit. They involve constant repetition until the dog understands, and Casey was no exception. She is learning to stay, albeit slowly, but I'm very proud of her successes so far.

Then the task at hand was to go grocery shopping. You might think I'm crazy to do that on a Saturday morning, but our Superstore is so big and opens so many lines up for checking out that I don't find it bad at all. It's hard to find a long lineup at our store, so I feel quite spoiled, even on Saturdays. I even got a free Club Pack of chicken fingers out of that trip! Woot!

I got some help unpacking, then I was able to make up a little snack for "lunch" and settle down to catch up a bit on some TV. NY Ink has been pretty interesting. I'm enjoying the new group of tattooers Ami James hired in New York, both for their personalities and their artwork. 

We decided to go out on a date today: to a movie then to dinner. Much to our chagrin, we discovered once arriving at the theatre that their copy of Mission Impossible had incurred some damage and now has visible scratches throughout the film. After humming and hawing it over, even though it was only 3:20 pm, we decided to just go for dinner first and think about the movie for after. Nothing else started for over an hour, and we didn't want to wait that long. We also didn't want to go to the theatre in the south end because the seating isn't so great (it's not an updated theatre like the Normanview one). 

So, we just went for dinner at Montana's, pretty much our favourite place to go. All-in-all, it was a nice meal. Paul even beat me at X's and O's :p

Then we decided that we would just go home. So much for a dinner and movie date! HAHA. We had a few movies we could watch at home anyway, so why not. We already had our snacks ready, so we decided on Puss in Boots. Of course the downloaded copy Paul found was a dud (the sound sucked) so we chose a different one instead. Unless you're looking for a really off-the-wall "B" movie, don't bother watching Greenberg. I thought it was just o-k, but Paul nearly fell asleep. Oh well. At least the episode of Dog the Bounty Hunter that we watched afterwards was a good one. 

Then it was nighty-night. Not a bad day overall.

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