Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Day in the Life of a Cat

Hi, my name is Buster Nairn. My mom suggested I take over her blog for the day and, since I'll basically do anything my mom wants, here I am!  I don't have opposable thumbs though, so it's going to be slow going. I can't guarantee how exciting this will be, but now that you've started reading, you'll probably continue on and read the rest. *wink*

My birthday is June 22 and I'm almost 5 years old. My favourite colour is grey, the colour of my fur. I don't get to see it, but that's what colour I've been told I am. I have a sister-cat, Missy. We're twins but she's super fluffy. I'm super sleek. Mom likes me that way. I stay much cleaner this way and Casey can't bite off clumps of my fur.

Oh yes, Casey, aka Evil Sister-Dog. I hoped and prayed, for a long time, that she'd go back to where she came from so I could have my house back, but she's still here. I do enjoy sometimes chasing her around, so I guess it's not all bad. I think she likes it when I do that too. She's soooo noisy though. And she gets to go outside. Hrumph. I want to go outside. :( Once Missy and I kinda escaped without mom noticing and we ended up being out there for like 5 minutes! I didn't go far, but mom was sure mad. I'm not allowed to do that anymore.

I have a nice seat by the window though: I have a pretty, striped towel to lie on, on top of the table and I get to see everything that goes on. Casey can't get me here, so I like it. A good view is important when you're short. I also have a few hiding places, like inside mom's closet. I figured out how to slide open the door so I can creep in and lie down. I like it in there because there's shaggy carpet. Everywhere else has this hard, cold, brown stuff on the floor so I like it in the closet. 

My potty is in the basement, but I like it down there because it's quiet and Casey can't get in. She tries to eat my poop anyway (ewwww, gross!) so daddy built a door for us to jump over. Hehe. When we first moved here, Missy was scared so I hung out with her in in the laundry room. We mostly relax upstairs now.

I like when Casey is locked up during the day when mom and dad are at work. She can't run after us, even if she wanted to! Not that I tease her in her crate because she's locked in, but I wouldn't write it down even if I did...

Eating is one my favourite things to do. Once mom bought some new, fancy, gourmet food that was all healthy and junk, but it tasted icky. I think she gave it to Casey instead. I like all the other stuff she buys me, especially the dry food with the meaty pockets, and of course the wet food. Yum yum in my tum! Sometimes I get a tasty Temptations treat, and I like to chase after them if mom tosses them on the floor. But if Casey is around watch out! She's a pig and tries to eat my food! Us cats get to eat on the counter 'cuz of Casey. Don't tell her but, sometimes I take a nibble of her food. Hehe. So does Missy. Hehe.

I like drinking out of the toilet tank. When daddy installed a new toilet for mom, she put the lid back on, but I got pretty upset about it. So, mom took it off so me and Missy could still have a drink. It's so cold and refreshing. I like water. Once I got sick because I didn't drink enough and I had to go see the doctor. She was a nice lady but she was pushing on my private parts and it hurt so bad! I got better though and I always drink water now.

When I was still a baby, me and Missy had to go to the doctor to get the snip snip. Daddy says I'm a "girly boy" now, but mom tells him to shut up and that I'm purrfect. She said I still have two little furry areas where my boy stuff used to be, so I'm still a boy. I never thought I wasn't so who is daddy to say that anyway? Sheesh. I love my mom.

Mom lets me cuddle with her at night. I snuggle into her and we go to sleep together. Sometimes I don't feel like cuddling though, so I lay on her feet. She gets kinda weird sometimes and makes me move though.  In the middle of the night after I've had something to eat and a potty break, I'll come back to bed and get attacked by Casey Evil-Dog.  She's such a...a...I'm not allowed to say it on here, mom said. Well, I hope you get my point...

I like to greet mom and dad at the door when they come home from work. I know how to tell time, so I'm always at the window when they get here.  Home-time means dinner, so I'm always happy to see them!

Well, there Casey goes again, barking at who-knows-what out the front window. It's time to clean myself again and have another nap anyway, so I'm signing off. Hope you enjoyed my blog today! Mom will be back tomorrow :)


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