Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mexican Anticipation

Ooooooh our trip is coming up quick! I'm starting to dream about Mexico every few nights, and think about it in my spare moments during the day. I even got word this evening, from a friend who works as a travel agent in Brandon, that the price has come down another $50 per person! That's exactly what I wanted to hear! Now we're within budget. Amen.

Until then, there's lots of work to be done at the office. Not only do I have my normal work to complete, but I also have testing to do and wrapping up final things before my two weeks off. Going away can be stressful right before and right after, but the time away is so worth it. I've already got my "backups" lined up to take care of certain items and will be preparing a list of anything I think of last-minute. I'll also go in on the weekend before to tie up any loose ends. Better to be prepared than not!

I also have a request to pick something up while there. Believe it or not, it's for hairspray. Apparently it works quite well -- better than Canadian stuff -- so I'll do it for a friend. If I can pick it up in the little store on-resort, even better. No more requests, though! My suitcase will be full with the tonne of clothes that I wasn't able to decide whether to pack or leave at home. Meh. I prefer to have lots of options. This reminds me a certain male parental unit... :)

Well, there's still 13 sleeps until the big day, so I'm sure I'll be sharing even more excitement in future blogs. I also plan to log in for a brief few minutes every day to report on what we did, saw, ate, etc. Until then, buenos noches!

Pi for the day is (pi para el día es): 3.1415926535897932384626433832795

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