Monday, February 20, 2012

My Monday

Wow, coming up with something interesting to say everyday sure is hard. I guess sometimes my blog will have be uninteresting to ensure I get one written each day! HAHA I mean, not that I really care if anyone actually enjoys what I write, but I'd like to enjoy it myself!

Today was a nice, extra day off work. It consisted of Casey puking at 6:30 this morning, followed by her trying to lick it up. We attempted to sleep a few more hours after that. I started some laundry, cleaned up the kitchen a bit, then our tanning appointment was at 11:30. Following a delightful 8 minutes in the "sun", we ventured out to the east end to shop for swim shorts for Paul. Luckily we found a pair.

I decided that, since I finished reading The Hunger Games last night and couldn't go a day without starting the second in the trilogy, I had to find a bookstore. Since the best bookstore in the city happens to be all the way down in the south end, we headed there. We found "Catching Fire", as well as the "A Song as Ice and Fire" 4-book boxed set. Now I'll be good-to-go for a while!

Hunger had set in so I figured we should try out Five Guys for a quick lunch. I'm going to presume it was due to the holiday but, that place was packed! After getting our order, we just headed back to the car to munch. Whoa, they sure don't skimp on the fries! Yummy meal though.

Then we just went back home to get the rest of the laundry done and relax a little. Pretty boring, huh? At least we had an enjoyable weekend visiting with mom and dad who were in a for a visit. Casey was also a good girl and only fully let loose once they left. The only thing I missed out on was a decent sleep-in. Oh well, our holiday is soon enough and we'll be able to sleep in every day. Only nine more sleeps!

I guess since I took the weekend off from any pi, I better add one now that it's officially a weeknight: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502

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