Monday, February 27, 2012

Excitado por Mexico

Only two more sleep until Mexico! Estoy tan emocionada (I'm so excited)! Paul worked today, but now he's officially on holidays as well. We had our final tans this evening  so all that's left is packing and picking up a few last-minute items. 

I wanted to get into the tropical mood so went YouTubing to find some videos. I found the one below It's really mellow and has plenty of tropical scenery to enjoy.

I also checked the weather report and it's not looking too sunny for the first few days of our trip. I immediately said a prayer after seeing that but, if you care to help us out at all, please say one too! I'd hate to spend all the money to get there and not get to enjoy the beautiful sunshine.

That's about all I have to say tonight. I need to finish reading the book I'm in the middle of so I can be done it before we go. I plan to start up the second Song of Ice and Fire book on our trip and don't want to not be finished this current one. Duh!

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