Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday = Funday

It's Friday *insert long, drawn out, satisfying sigh*. De-lovely. Groceries done, yummy dinner eaten, tv shows watched, vacation booked. A good day, I'd say!

This week was pretty busy and yet I'm still not done everything I need to do! It may be a long weekend, and I am going to enjoy it, but I already know I'll have to go in to work for at least a few hours. Not sure yet if I'll go on Sunday or Monday, but with the short week ahead, and our vacation after that, it's gotta be done. I'd hate to leave aything that is my own personal responsibility for someone else to try to fit in. 

Before going in to work we have Casey's final obedience class, a house to clean before the parental units show up and a fun day to spend with them, a tan, some shopping, and who knows what else. I love long weekends and would prefer to sit around and do nothing but... maybe on the next one I can do that! I am looking forward to our visit with M&D though. And Bushwakker nachos!

Speaking of our vacation booking, the price stayed the same from yesterday so we booked once I got home. My travel agent friend in Brandon helped me out. I'm super excited about it now. All we have to do to "prep" is buy Paul a new pair of swim shorts and do a bit more pre-tanning. I'm also really happy the flight times are "normal": 9:45 am departure from Regina; 3:40 pm from PV. Means I don't have to get up before 5 am on either leg of our trip! Score! Sure, we could have gotten an even better deal leaving on the Saturday before, but then we'd be leaving here at 11:15 pm and coming back at 5:00 am. Ouch.

This is our resort. I hope we can get a room in the same area as last year. From this pic, we were just left of the centre at the back, facing towards the ocean, on the "first" floor (which is not ground level). It was above the main dining room and we could see straight through the gardens. The sports bar was also directly around the corner, as well as the lobby. Super convenient for everything, and we didn't mind the walk from the beach or pool.

The first thing I'll be doing -- after having an arrival cocktail, of course -- is walk down to the beach to get a whiff of that salty, Pacific Ocean air. Mmmmmmm. I can already feel the breeze off the water. Don't you wish you could come?! Just imagine me lying on one of those green beach loungers, sipping my "Chamulas". I wonder if Carlos will still be working there...

Well, anyway, enough day dreaming. I've got plenty to keep me busy for the next 11 days.

I'll add one more piece of pi this week... 3.14159265358979323846264338327950

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