Wednesday, February 15, 2012

When the Going Gets Tough...

They say that "when the going gets tough, the tough get going". I totally believe that. I have plateaued numerous times since reaching my weight loss goal last July. It's been a constant battle. Two steps forward; one step back; one step forward; half a step back. But, I haven't given up.

Since July 27, 2011 -- the day I reached my goal -- I have only lost 4.5 pounds. That was NOT what I had planned. In my mind, I figured I'd get to goal then just keep on doing what I'd been doing for the last year and easily lose another 5-10 within six months. Wow was it ever harder than I expected. I found myself eating more and more of the "bad foods" more and more often. I even stayed at the same weight for five weeks in a row this year. For each pound or two I'd lose, I\d just gain it back the next week and then struggle to get it back off.

That being said, I lost 2.5 pounds this last week, putting me at my lowest weight to date since joining TOPS. I'm pretty happy about it., and proud of myself. What I must remember, however, is that I can't sabotage my success my over-celebrating. I did enjoy a soft taco and mexi fries for dinner, but plan to eat healthily for the next two days in anticipation of a few less-healthy meals when the 'rents come for a visit.

I also integrated more protein than usual, which has been something I don't always remember to eat. I could easily be a vegetarian, but would have a hard time getting enough iron out of my meatless meals. Thus the reason for eating more low-fat, lean protein this past week.

It appears to have worked for me, so I'm definitely going to keep it up. I always hope to at least stay the same, but any more weight loss is icing on the cake. I'm only a few pounds from requiring a new goal weight, but until then, I'll just stay focused, remember that food is only meant to keep me alive (rather than satisfy my emotional needs), and BE TOUGH.

My virtual piece of pi today: 3.141592653589793238462643383279

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