Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mr. Not-So Romantic

My husband isn't romantic. Okay, maybe not totally unromantic, but he has difficulty in that area. He tries, don't get me wrong, but you know it's not very often when I take "being romantic" as taking out the trash or cleaning up the kitchen without having to ask.

Maybe he just needs to watch more romantic movies. Nah, that would never work. Any time I put one on, he zones out and plays with the computer. We do make an effort to go on dates, but the basic romanticism is missing. I don't ask for a lot, just a little! The "light is off" and I don't know how to turn it on!

I'm also not going to complain about this past --  very uneventful -- Valentines' Day. It's a fake holiday (not even a day off work!) that the retail chains just invented to earn more revenue. The only thing we've ever done in the past is buy each other a card, or maybe go out to dinner. Never have we bought gifts; that would just be too much. We have, however, chose to celebrate our anniversary of meeting each other in person for the first time (Feb 9, 2003) which conveniently occurs in the same week. It's much more significant than V-Day.

So, how do I get my man to do more romantic things for me? Do I have to do more for him? Isn't it enough that I cook and clean for him? I do think I do romantic things for him that don't involve cooking or cleaning, but he isn't so quick to reciprocate. Is it possible he's just missing that particular gene?

According to Yahoo!, 40% of women are married to unromantic or hardly-romantic men. I guess my man is included in that percentage. Not sure what I'll do to get him to be more romantic, if anything. Until then, I'll just have to keep on loving him for who he is! Go figure :p

Pi for the day: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028

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