Saturday, February 11, 2012

How C Fixed Me

Wow do I ever feel like I'm getting better today! I prayed that this cold would be over as quickly as my last one, and it appears to be happening. I'll attribute my quick-healing to mega doses of Echinacea, a constant intake of zinc fortified with Vitamins C and D, and plenty of thirst-quenching lemon tea. Those items sure helped me at the last-minute once I'd gotten the cold, but I definitely notice that my overall healthy lifestyle has made any sickness much easier to bear.

I first noticed the difference when I got my last cold, circa October or November last fall. First came the sore throat (as per usual with all my colds), followed by a stuffy and runny nose. I prepared for the worst and stayed home from work not one but two days. At the end of the second sick-day, after realizing I was getting better, not worse, it suddenly dawned on me that my body was fighting that cold off much faster than ever before. I had spent years going through a 6 month cycle of getting a cold, getting better, than getting yet another cold. Each one was at least a week long and saw me couch-ridden for the worst of it. I remember feeling so much sinus pain that I couldn't think straight. Sleep was my only saving grace.

Looking back, I only experienced one of those such sicknesses since moving to Regina and changing my eating habits. It's amazing what food can to for your body! Ha! That sounds silly because we hear it all the time, but only after experiencing it for myself do I see how eating right has given me more than a smaller butt. I didn't call in sick for this one...albeit I'd wanted to on Thursday but there was so much to do I had to grin and bear it. I really didn't do too bad. I may have sounded really ill, and had a difficult time concentrating, but I hardly went through a couple kleenex boxes, and that's just not how it used to be.

I really need to be thankful though. Missing work just creates more to do later, and the stress of being sick affects more than just the afflicted. Paul had his much worse than I did, or so it seems, but he doesn't eat as well as I do. Guess I'll keep trying to shove the fruits and veggies down his throat so he doesn't feel so bad when the sickness hits! Until then (hopefully no time too soon), I'll keep doing what I'm doing. 

Stay healthy everyone!

Guess I should have some pi... 3.14159265358979323826264338327

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