Wednesday, March 28, 2012

TOPS Installation Night

Each year TOPS chapters around North America hold an "Installation Night" to install their new executive committee and to hand out annual awards to their members. Ours was held tonight, March 28, at our usual meeting location. It's a nice place because it's large enough to hold our 30+ members and has a small kitchen area for prep and cleanup of our potluck afterwards.

I became the new Weight Recorder, and there were three other new committee members (two remained for another year). It means I'll see each and every member as they come to weigh in each week, and I'm also responsible for tallying monthly results for awards and building the chapter "resume" for the annual stats.

Many awards were handed out, to myself included. I don't want to say I expected to get many, but I hoped to get at least something. That's not being too bold; I know how I did and can judge pretty good how others have done in the last year, so I thought I probably did well enough to get something for my losses. That and I'm part of a few committees so they always recognize those people.

In the end I received the following awards, always given in the form of charms that we sew onto our sash:

  • a "Star Performer" charm for my volunteer work on committees
  • a golden KOPS candle charm for becoming KOPS in 2011 (July 27th)
  • a "KOPS in Black" charm for never being out of leeway since becoming a KOPS (20 weeks from July 27 to December 31)
  • a "TOPS Winner" charm for Successful Weight Loss (3rd Place overall with 14.5 pounds for the year)
  • a "TOPS Division Winner" charm for a 2nd Place finish in Division 4 Female (based on starting weight at the beginning of 2011 and pounds lost that year)
Not bad, eh? I'm pretty happy about them, especially the KOPS ones as those are new for me this year. I definitely look forward to getting some more next year!

But that's not all I got. I know, keeping you in suspense is mean. Get over it! HA! Okay, okay. Absolutely, utterly, surprisingly... I was named Chapter Queen for 2011. WHOA! I not only got a cute little pin in the shape of a crown with the word "TOPS" on it and 7 coloured gems (fake, but who cares!), I get to keep the "crown" (aka my cousin's wedding tiara... sweet!) and a purple sash with the words "Chapter Queen" on it for the next year! I don't know what my royal duties will be, but I will attempt to execute them to the best of my abilities. :)

Cool huh? I don't actually know the qualifications to become Chapter Queen, but I imagine it has something to do with weight loss and reaching my goal. Either way, I'm extremely happy to have it. This should definitely keep me on track for a while... right through to the end of the year, I hope!

When I get pictures, I'll post a link for anyone interested.


  1. Oh, and I got roses for my awards!

  2. Your adoring MotherMar 30, 2012, 11:33:00 AM

    Congratulations on your awards Dana. But mostly congratulations on your amazing achievments. Not easy to do and maintain all that you have managed to accomplish in the past 18 or so months. I am very proud of you and wish you all the best for the future. Keep up the great work.


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