Monday, March 12, 2012

The Joys of Spring

Holy melting snow, Batman! Today on the way home my car's external thermometer stated it was 9° celsius. That's only 10° colder than it was most nights in Mexico. Yikes.

As you know, I like winter quite a bit and feel ripped off from this last one. There was some hope when it snowed the weekend before we went on holidays, and even more when we returned to 3-4 inches of more snowy goodness. Alas, Mother Nature (aka God) decided that it was time for spring. *sigh* okay, fine *sticks out bottom lip and crosses over arms in a defiant manner* but I ain't happy.

Actually, spring weather is really nice, save for the puddles and mud everywhere. The worst spot is our backyard. We discovered this last year -- our first spring in this house -- and were extremely frustrated. This is what it looked like when all the snow melted, leaving us with muck galore and an un-raked mess:

And this is the current state:

I'm not sure what it will look like in a week, but surely not as bad as last year. At least we raked the yard, at least twice. Also, we haven't had nearly the same amount of snow this winter (as previously discussed in my "where has winter gone?" rants). Paul will have to get out there with our pool pump and get the water draining to the lane. See the first pic: the pump is submerged in the bucket. Fun times.

All I can ask is that we don't get more snow after it all melts, and that the rain isn't torrential this spring. Now God, can you at least help me out with that? Thanks :)

New week, new piece of pi: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197

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