Friday, March 30, 2012

Sons of Scotland

Well, the Nairns have now been initiated into the (cough) prestigious Sons of Scotland Benevolent Association. In case you're not up on your big words, benevolent means to serve a charitable, rather than a profit-making, purpose.

We found out about the group through the annual Burns Supper we attended in January and thought it might be fun to get involved. We also figured it was full of a bunch of old people that would eventually die (sorry to be so forthcoming...), so they needed the young people to liven it up. We were pretty much correct on that assumption, so it's funny.

The initiation was quite formal. We came dressed up, Paul in his kilt and I in my blue ruched dress. There were two other individuals being initiated as well that had been invited through friends that are current members. We were piped in and led by marshals and a standard bearer. That's about all I can tell you! Seriously. We even learned secret signs, a handshake, and passwords. Whoa! I think it's cool. Secret symbols on the inside, but on the outside a group that is involved in the community and otherwise. 

Everyone was very welcoming. It wasn't surprising, just really nice that the members were so happy to have us there. I felt right at home very quickly. Not that I have any trouble getting to know people, but I felt as if I'd been there before. It will be nice for Paul to be in an association that is based on the country of his birth. I'm just looking forward to doing more volunteer work. Well, that and the whiskey :p HAHA

So, that's it for brother Paul and sister Dana. We'll see the group again at the next meeting in a month's time, and start working towards the annual folk festival in May (Mosaic). Fun!

Scotch pi: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105

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