Monday, March 26, 2012

Whoa, Monday already?!

Yikes, that was a super quick weekend. Good thing I enjoyed myself otherwise I'd be pretty disappointed! I'm sure this week will also fly by with the things I've got going on.

Today I had to make a quick stop for puppy treats (and a couple other things... the pet store gets me every time). Then supper was made, eaten, and now I'm sitting here. Shortly I've gotta run out to pick up some items from a fellow TOPS member for our installation night on Wednesday.

I also placed an order with Sears for my skirt and shoes for PRD on April 15th and have to pick them up tomorrow. Hopefully they fit and are what I'm looking for. Since I'm graduating, I need to wear white, so should only have to find a blouse now. We'll see after tomorrow if the ordered items fit and look good!

I think tomorrow night Rider may be coming over for a puppy playdate again. If he is, we'll have Casey's birthday a day early so she and he can enjoy her pupcakes. Yum yum.

Oh yeah, and Installation Night, right. It's a yearly TOPS event for each chapter where we have the annual awards handed out and the members of the executive are "installed". We also enjoy a nice, healthy potluck afterwards. It's a good reason to dress nice and share in the successes of our fellow members. I'm looking forward to the night, just not the setup and pre-event stuff. Oh well, it will all be over in a couple days.

We also have a meeting to go to on Friday night, for our inauguration into the Sons of Scotland group. It's a pretty formal affair, apparently. They like you to wear something tartan and since I don't personally own a sash yet, I'll have to stop and get one. Good thing the store is on the way home, and the Flower of Scotland tartan that Paul wears is the most common one out there.

So yeah, busy week. Obviously during the day I'm working my little tush off as well, so not much time to breathe. At least I'm having fun!

Monday's pi: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375

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