Saturday, March 24, 2012

An Entertaining Day

Wow, what a Saturday. My bathrooms finally got cleaned (whew, productivity!) and we spent most of the day out of the house enjoying some entertainment.

As you may have heard, The Hunger Games came out in theatres on Thursday at midnight. I'm sure it was a packed house that night, as I slept soundly in my warm bed. I decided we should definitely go see it since I've read two of the three books, but thought that avoiding an evening show was probably a good plan.

We were there an hour early this morning, for the 12:20 showing, which really was too early, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. We got our favourite seats, munched on some treats, and enjoyed a pretty decent show. I wish they'd made it a little more true to the book, however. The reason why they didn't is because they wanted to ensure that kids could see it without their parents, since the books were written for teens/pre-teens. I still think it would have been better with more gore. Meh. Read the first book then watch the movie and see what I mean.

Then we went over to a Rogers store to see about getting new phones. Paul doesn't really like anything they've got, except for one that requires a data plan, and we're not really prepared to budget for that right now. I'd spoken to a rep in the morning about getting a new Blackberry for myself, and was told about a particular option for getting a new BB outright. At the store, it was a different story all of a sudden. Not only that but, I forgot to mention we waited in line for nearly an HOUR to be helped, since apparently everyone in the city needed a new phone today. Anyway, we left in a huff, totally unsatisfied and beguiled at the whole thing.

Dinner, a rest, then we were back out to see Danny Bhoy. Check out my "Easy Come, Easy Go" blog for a YouTube video clip of a routine he's done. He was really funny, especially the parts where he "takes the piss out" of other races and cultures. It helps that he's half Scottish, half Indian, so he could use his own heritage as a joke-starter. If you ever have the chance to see Danny in person, definitely take the opportunity. Paul really enjoyed it too.

Now I'm beat and need my bed. It was a long but entertaining day. Now if I can just make it through one chapter of A Clash of Kings, I'll be a happy girl.

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