Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mexico Day Seven: Restless

Our second last day in Mexico was another hot one. And we were restless. Paul went down to the main pool early to grab chairs. After breakfast when we went back to them, I discovered that the sun was quickly going behind us – and wouldn’t be back due to the palm trees overhead. I found us another spot across the pool but within half an hour, it was also a bad location due to another palm tree. Okay, fine. Kiddie pool it was! Our spots from the day before were open, under a nice cabana.

We were able to take in some more sun before lunch, which obviously was yummy, but enough is enough! Seriously, I’m ready to be back home, just to cleanse myself of all the excess food.

After lunch, within a hour, Paul stated he was feeling dizzy and wanted to go back to the room. Okay, buh-bye. I stayed at the pool to tan some more, read some more, and take a nice, cool dip in the water. I only lasted until mid-afternoon myself, as my sore throat had turned into a phlegmy cough and stuffy nose.

We both napped until dinnertime. I went to eat, but decided my head was just not cooperating so I retired to bed afterwards until the main show at 9:00. It wasn’t even very good. Oh well. At least Paul met some nice people he could hang out with in my absence.

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