Saturday, March 10, 2012

Siestas and Safeway Cake

*sigh* What a lazy three days I've had. I'm blaming not feeling too great as my excuse for it. My cold really isn't an issue anymore; it's my body having a hard time adjusting back to Canadian food. Or so I think. Hopefully by Monday I'll be more normal for when I go back to work... and that I don't accidentally sleep in for all the sleeping in I've been doing lately... and the naps!

Last night we actually went out. Not far, though. It started in the afternoon when Paul was outside scraping up ice that was accumulating on our driveway. I guess the neighbour, "B", was also out and let Paul know he was having some people over later and that we could stop by if we weren't busy. We've only been invited over one other time, but it was on the day we got possession of our house (Dec 24, 2010).

Soooo.... even though I wasn't really feeling it, we went next door to see what was happening after we'd had dinner and watched our TV shows. Other than the presence of a disgusting amount of second-hand cigarette smoke, we had a good time. I even got to eat some good 'ol Safeway cake because it ended up being a party for B's birthday. It was funny because, even though we've lived next door for 14 months, we haven't actually met any other neighbours, or even B's kids, for that matter. Everyone was really nice and we'll definitely be hanging out again.

There's only one day left of my two-week vacation and it's quite bittersweet. I just hope that it was enough time off to re-energize my soul for a while. There's a number of things happening in the next few months, on the weekends, so as long as I can keep a good work-life balance, all will be well. And as far as I know, my "temporary promotion" is still in place, so that can only be a good thing!

Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day.

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