Sunday, March 11, 2012


As I've mentioned in a previous blog or two, I lost enough weight at TOPS to make it to my goal and attain my status as a KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly). As a KOPS, I must stay within "leeway" --  3 pounds above goal or 7 pounds below -- in order to maintain my status. Since reaching my goal on July 27, 2011, I have not been above my goal, nor out of leeway.

Regina has a Gold Key KOPS Society whose mission is to keep all current active KOPS on task with their own goals. There aren't many members, me included, but I like the group. We're actively looking to gain more members, but many KOPS don't think it's necessary to take part. Maybe they just don't understand what we do, so I'm working on getting that message out to my own chapter.

We meet only four times per year for regular meetings, and another two times for a fun get-together, like bowling or mini golf. The cost is so extremely minimal that it was a no-brainer for me to join. I actually joined a quarter late because I wasn't even informed of the meeting date in September (that's another issue I have).

This afternoon was the first general meeting I've attending since joining, and it was election day. Now, the society is very informal, so there really wasn't any election. I had already indicated my interest to the "Korrespondent", so I ended up becoming the new "Ko-Kaptain" for 2012. Cute, with the K's, eh? The other positions are "Kaptain" and "Kashier". Haha.

I'm not sure what my job will be, but I suppose I'll fill in for the Kaptain if necessary. I can't imagine it will take much out of my life. I'm just happy to take part in something I believe in, and hopefully get the message out to other KOPS that we ARE a vital part of weight loss success. If it weren't for the continuing encouragement and support from other KOPS, us at goal would probably quit going to TOPS altogether, and maybe even gain our weight back. I'm really happy there's a separate group out there for me.

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