Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy Pi Day!

Wow, it's already March 14th. Where has the year gone?! Since my blog started with my idea to memorize pi, how better to celebrate today than with an "ode" to pi, of sorts. Okay, I'll come clean, I didn't write it but I thought it was cute nonetheless:

Roses are Red, Violets are blue ... 3.141592
PI is a number that is mighty fine ... 653589
Practice this often until it sticks ... 79323846
Practice when you swim since there's nothing else to do ... 26433832
Let no one ignorant of geometry enter this door 79502884
Numbers rule the universe, Pythagoras made the decree ... 1971693

I also thought it would be fun to list out the digits I've learned so far and something about myself related to the number. Here goes:

3 - how many pets I have
1 - how many husbands I have (whew!)
4 - the number of pounds I gained (overall) since my last weigh-in before holidays
1 - the number of limbs I've broken
5 - my height, plus 10 inches
9 - my shoe size
2 - the number of bananas hanging on my banana tree
6 - the age of my cats this year
5 - the last digit of my house number
3 - the year I got married ('03)
5 - the time we get home each day
8 - the number of years I've been married
9 - the number of years I'll have been married in August. Eek!
7 - the time my TOPS meeting starts each Wednesday
9 - how many hours of sleep I like to (try and) get per night
3 - the number of books I've read in the last month
2 - how many plants will probably die in my house this year
3 - one of my lucky numbers
8 - my birth day
4 - my birth month
6 - my other lucky number
2 - the number of earrings I have in each ear
6 - the number of steak knives in my knife block
4 - the number of (major) family vacations I remember taking as a kid
3 - the number of years I worked in my previous job
3 - the first digit of my area code
8 - the number of hours I work in a day
3 - days left in the week that I'll have to work (yes, even Saturday. Don't ask)
2 - Casey's age
7 - the number of years I've been a member of
9 - Casey's weight in kilograms
5 - the number of pills/vitamins I take each morning
0 - how many "close" friends I currently have :( very sad :(
2 - the number of days I'd like to work for the rest of the week...
8 - the time I like to go to bed to read, on a good night
8 - the number of yogourt cups in a full package (it's about me if I eat it, right?)
4 - the number of tattoos I'll probably have eventually
1 - the number of rings I wear
9 - my dog on the "cutness" scale. Okay, she's actually an 11, but 11 isn't in pi... I couldn't think of anything else for 9.
7 - the number of full days we spent in Mexico
1 - my bus route number

Whew! Happy Pi Day, everyone!

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