Thursday, March 15, 2012

Casey: Bestest Dog Ever

My dog is better than your dog. Seriously! Nothing you can say will change my mind. Okay okay, she may have some negative attributes, such as chronic barking, jumping, and jealousy, but she's still the best.

We went to the dog park tonight. As usual, she knew exactly where we were going once we were within a few blocks of the place. Then once arriving, she pulled on the leash so hard she was choking herself. Silly girl. We took the whistling chuck-it with us tonight to throw around and make her run. It totally worked because she couldn't get enough. By the end, her tongue was hanging way out of her mouth and she was grinning ear to ear. Sorta like this pic, just way more exaggerated:

Then when I go to relax on the couch, she's like white on rice and immediately becomes a fixture on my lap. My little lap dog. She likes napping there and I don't mind it because she's quiet.

She's so smart too. Too smart for her own good. And you really can't beat her cute looks. Nuh uh. When was the last time you saw a natural full mohawk on a dog? Super cute, right? She even smells good! What?!

Yup, that's my "mental nutcase head", Casey. Crazy as all get out, but our favourite dog nonetheless. I wouldn't trade her, that's for sure!

As I finish up this blog entry, she jumped up onto my lap for a little cuddle. We must've tired her out tonight at the park :)

My puppy pi for the day: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716

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