Sunday, March 25, 2012


It makes sense that the hair colour and styling business is a multi-billion dollar one. After thinking about all the women I work with, I would guess that at least 90% of them colour their hair. Why is it that we all want to have something different than what God gave us?

I think hair is one of the easiest things we can change about ourselves, relating to our image. It's constantly growing and changing. We can cut it short or grow it out, curl it or straighten it, colour it or go au naturel. It's simply so versatile that we can't help but want something different every few months.

I've never been fully blonde, except for (what I would consider) too many highlights once. Otherwise I've had every shade of brown, nearly every shade of red, and (only once) slightly blond with a few well-dyed highlights. Since high school I've been mostly into the auburns, like mahogany (remember, mom?), but have stuck mostly with black or very dark brown for the last few years.

My hair has also been all sorts of lengths and styles. My school portraits really tell a story so I like to look back on them to remember just how varied my styles were for 13 years. The summer before we moved to Regina, I cut my hair pretty short in an inverted bob. I kept it up for a while, then moved here. It was so bloody hot in that hood-house that within a few days of moving in, I found a stylist that cut it even shorter. Ahhhhhh relief! It was short enough that I made it through the summer with my neck free of hair sticking to it. Since then, however, I've been growing it out.

We'll see how long I can go with it being long. It's not really long yet, but at this rate, it will be by the end of the year. I'm notorious for cutting it when it gets hot out, and considering we have no central air, this summer may be a trying one. I guess there's always ponytails!

As far as colouring goes, I have to keep it up every 6-8 weeks now with the colour I use. Since my hair's not naturally black, the roots really start showing after a while. I don't pay a colourist to do my hair though. I consider that a waste of money when it's only one colour, to be honest. There have been only three situations where I paid someone to colour my hair, two of which were the highlights, and I can't see myself changing that anytime soon.

My dear, darling mother was my colourist for many years, until I moved to Regina. Now I take care of it myself, mess and all. Thankfully, mousse colour came out around the time I moved here, so it was a blessing. I could be less messy, but then it wouldn't be fun, right? LOL Just take a look at my ceilings after I paint and you'll understand... it's pretty much how it goes with the hair colour, minus getting it on the ceiling.

I know that colouring my hair will definitely be something I do for a very, very long time, as well as changing the style with the seasons. It's nice to be able to change your look so drastically just by changing the colour or cut. A lot cheaper than getting plastic surgery, that's for sure!

Pi for my colourful day: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937


  1. If you go back far enough in time, like 27 years, you were blonde. No lie.
    And I reather enjoyed our colouring sessions.


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