Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Performance Puzzlement

Wow, day number 122 of my year-long journey in blog land. Some days it's really hard to think of something to write, or to even find the time to do so. Others, I have enough to say to fill more than one day's worth. Halfway is July 1, so I'm aiming for that. So far so good, and I apologize if I end up writing about something twice because I've forgotten my past topics!

Me today
I've calmed down somewhat since I left work, but today was really frustrating for me. Actually, it's not just today, it's pretty much the last month. I can't (and won't) go into details, but it has to do with the job I'm doing. Most days I really enjoy what I do and feel very productive and like I mean something; others, not so much. Today was one of those.

The main issue that I will mention is that I haven't had a performance review in quite some time. Neither have my colleagues. Many people don't like getting them, but not knowing how you're doing can be more difficult than hearing the criticism. I'd rather be told there are areas I need to work on than to not be told at all and be completely blind to the fact that I have issues to deal with.

I know there have been some things that didn't get done correctly in the last month, but I've worked to fix them. Now I'm at the point where I just need to be recognized for my successes and have goals to work on for the rest of the year. I realize this is something I need to bring up with my boss, but for whatever reason, I find it difficult to do so.

I just want to be happy with what I do, and with the people I work with, and know exactly how I'm doing year-round. Maybe I'm just being paranoid about stuff going on around me (a characteristic of my personality type, unfortunately), but maybe I'm not. For now, I'll just remain positive and continue to strive in my work.

Pi today: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078

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