Wednesday, May 2, 2012


My job at TOPS may be a lot of work at certain times in the month, and it sure requires commitment each and every week, but it really is worth all the effort.

To see everyone doing so well each week, I can't help but wonder if my positive attitude and encouragement is helping them. It's probably nothing to do with me, but it feels good to see them achieving their goals regardless. To be a part of that success, and to hope that maybe I had something to do with it, helps me in my own journey.

When I started out with TOPS, I had a particular real-life person in mind to look like once I got to my goal. She just happens to be the one that invited me to join. Tonight we both weighed in at the exact same weight. Wow. For me, wanting to look like for at least the past two years, it sure is rewarding to be able to say that we weigh the same. Okay, she's got WAY more muscle, but for me, it doesn't matter. I've reached a particular goal anyway and I'm extremely proud of my success.

Regardless of the stress I may encounter doing my TOPS job, it all goes away when I get to see the smiling faces when pounds are lost, and when I get to award my friends for their achievements each month. All in all, I hope that I'm helping them, and that they realize they're also helping me.

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