Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Good News or Bad News?

So what do you want to hear: the good news or the bad news? I can't hear you, speak up. Huh? *ROFL* okay okay you're getting both!

The good news is, I didn't gain any weight this week. The bad news is, I didn't lose any weight this week. I guess more good news then is that I stayed the same, which in TOPS, is as good as a loss. More bad news is that I've been fighting off a cold since Monday.

My throat is sore and all red, and lucky me, I've got some post-nasal drip. Yum yum. I make it okay during the day with lots of tea and zinc lozenges, but at night when I wake up it's sooooo raw. Then in the morning it's not only raw but it's filled with phlegm. Double yum.

So, say a prayer, would you? I'd appreciate it :) At least I didn't gain weight!

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