Friday, May 4, 2012

Old Friend, New Visit

I had dinner with an old friend tonight. Like elementary school old. Our kindergarten class picture is below. We were both chubby little shy girls with the same hair styles. Cute.

I would say we were best friends for the entire seven years I spent going to Forrest, and then we just didn't keep up the relationship once my family moved into the city. It's funny to think of now, considering I didn't really move away anywhere, I just went to a different school. I guess things changed and I simply got some new friends. It's not like we specifically communicated, "hey, let's keep in touch and stuff".

Either way, it was nice to get together for dinner and a catch up. We haven't seen each other in person since my wedding day, nearly nine years ago. That's a long time and a lot has changed. We've both lost some weight (and both look really good!) and are working in our chosen careers. She went from Brandon to Winnipeg to Kingston to Saskatoon, so now we're not so far away.

I'm not sure that she's actually changed much in her personality in the twenty four years we've "known" each other, whereas I think mine has. I could be wrong, but she seems pretty much the same as I remember her from way back when. Not a bad thing, just something I noticed. I do believe we'll see each other again, whether it be in Regina or Saskatoon. I've found that good friendships are extremely valuable and I cherish them more than I used to, so I appreciate that, while in the city for a conference, she would contact me to catch up on our lives.

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