Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mission: Enjoyment

Sometimes there's nothing like watching a good 'ol action movie. You know, the kind that has you riveted, pinned to the edge of your seat. With bated breathe, you become fixated on the scenes, unsure if the hero or heroine will make the impossible leap or successfully evade the bad guys.

Paul and I watched Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol last night. I was never a huge fan of the previous MI movies, however the previews looked pretty good and we both were interested to see how it played out.

Production company "Bad Robot", makers of some of our all-time fave shows (i.e. Fringe and Lost), did not disappoint. On numerous occasions I found that I'd not been breathing properly, and I had to catch my breath. Some scenes made me so anxious that I literally didn't breathe until they were over.

We laughed, cheered, were shocked and amazed, and thoroughly enjoyed this movie. There was even a little romantic side story, and some comedy from the hilarious Simon Pegg, so all-in-all it completely satisfied our movie needs.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it... watch MI:GP!

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