Thursday, May 3, 2012

I Wish... (Part One)

I had naturally-straight hair. Seriously. Don't tell me, "oh but I wish I had naturally-curly or wavy hair", because you don't. Trust me.

Every evening I have to make a decision how I'll wear my hair the next day. If I haven't washed it in two days, unless I want to just put it up in a ponytail, it pretty much has to be done that night. I don't have time to get up in the morning to do it because of how long it takes (and I already get up early enough as it is).

Either I wash it and then blow-dry and straighten, or I wash it then put some cream in it to make it go wavy so it won't take long to fix up in the morning. Regardless, I have to do something at night before bed or I'll have a bad hair day, guaranteed.

How nice it would be to just wash and go. With straight hair, at least I could decide I wanted it curly and get a perm. With my hair, I must style it to make it straight or curly; it doesn't do either of those things on its own.

So, do you still wish you had my hair? I doubt it.

Hairy pi: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781


  1. Yes, I do. Curly hair IS wash-and-go for me. With straight hair I have to put in just as much planning-thought as you do for curly, because, when straight, my hair looks terrible if I just let it be. AND, a perm is extremely costly, and grows out so you have flat hair on top. Ich!! It comes down to personality and personal style. (Although curly looks splendid, I've always thought...) you truly have a straight hair personality. And I have a wild 'n' curly hair personality. Too bad so sad for both of us I guess. JB

  2. who can I blame for this travesty?


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