Thursday, May 24, 2012

Gymnastics & Volunteering

A number of months ago I signed up to volunteer at the 2012 Viterra Canadian Gymnastics Championships after getting a broadcast email at work regarding it. Then all of a sudden -- or so it seemed -- I was contacted regarding my volunteer application to see if I was still available. Actually, I was contacted by three different people, which is funny.

I went with the first request for help, which was for videotaping. Now I know what you're thinking, but it's not that kind of videotaping. Other than for the floor routine, all cameras are simply small, non-professional ones that are set up on tripods and don't need to be moved. All the operator has to do is turn the recording on and off for each competitor's routine. Very, very simple.

I only had one shift of that due to being busy other days in the week. It was for the men's floor routines, which was fun because I actually had to move it side to side to follow them as they tumbled across. The worst part was having to get people to move out of the way of the camera because I was in a busy area.

On Saturday morning Paul will be doing much of the same (for me, actually, as I'd double-booked myself accidentally and asked him to take over), and then that afternoon we both have security shifts for a few hours.

There were a few reasons I signed up to volunteer:

  1. it's good to support your community, no matter the size or what you choose to do
  2. I can add the experience to my resume
  3. Viterra is the main sponsor so as an employee, I felt like I had a responsibility to be there
  4. I truly enjoy watching gymnastics, and always have
So far it's been a good experience and I know that they appreciate the help myself and others are giving to this major event. With the Olympics occurring this summer in London, there's even a possibility I'll see one of the competitors on the Canadian team if they make it.

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