Thursday, May 17, 2012

A/C: Overrated?

Having central air installed in our current home hasn't been in the budget yet. From the last estimates we received, it will cost at least $2200 to get the electrical box and wiring upgraded just to allow CA to be hooked up. Then there's the cost of that system, probably a few thousand more. Like I said, it's simply not in the budget.

This summer will mark our third spent in Regina without air conditioning. The first was only a half-summer but it was brutal, so I'm counting it as one! We have found that, with proper usage of ceiling and stand-up fans, coupled by open windows when the air outside is just-right, and the daytime addition of a portable air conditioner (vented outside), we make it by just fine.

The hardest part for me is getting my body temperature regulated. It takes at least a week to get used to the higher temperature at night, after being used to the cold nights in the winter. I don't even change out our down duvet; once we're used to the heat, the fans keep us cool enough to continue using it year-round.

It's important to keep air circulating constantly, the windows closed during the day, and blinds drawn to block the rays. So far we've managed alright. Out of ten summers that I've had after moving out after high school, only four of those have been sustained with central air. I do enjoy the cool air, but I hate being cold. I really never thought I'd say this but, the heat isn't so bad...

It's no wonder I enjoy going away on warm vacations now. At least it means I don't suffer through summer anymore! If you ever come visit us during the heat of July or August, just be prepared for a good breeze in your hair :)

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