Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Love and Hate of Home Ownership

I love: building equity. Getting to choose my own paint colours. Making changes and doing renovations to the interior and/or exterior without getting permission. Paying a mortgage rather than paying rent. Having lots of space, including a huge backyard for my dog to run around in. Not having someone live directly above, below, or next to you, in other words, not sharing a wall with anyone.

I hate: having all the yard work to do, including tree-trimming, lawn mowing (lots of it), leaf-raking, snow-shoveling, etc. Much bigger utility bills than when renting. Having to come up with the money for renovations, instead of making the landlord to them. Cleaning twice as many bathrooms and double the square footage in flooring.

But you know what, I would never willingly choose to rent again. All-in-all, owning our own home is extremely rewarding and we look forward to the next one (whenever that may be).

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