Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Missing: Control Over the Situation!

Just once I would appreciate if my husband's employer would get things right. It sucks that I work in HR and can't do anything about his stuff for him!

Paul started at his current job on our anniversary -- Aug 16 -- last summer. He was told benefit coverage would begin in six months. A long time to wait, but I've got him covered pretty good with mine. Along comes January and I start reminding him to ask about his benefit forms, because I know he has to fill them out. He has a hard time getting people to help him out, and when they say they will, they don't follow through.

February 16 rolls around and he still hasn't seen any paperwork. By this time I'm extremely frustrated. I know that Manulife is the provider, the same as mine, but I don't know what he's covered for or even what it will be costing us.

Finally, about a month ago, he got the paperwork from someone that knew what they were doing. It wasn't exactly the stuff I expected him to bring home, but at least it included a benefit booklet for what they're covered for. I still didn't understand if he'd be seeing premium deductions on his pay, however.

Paul was able to get the answers we needed, and we opted into the plan because it would cost us very minimally. Then all we needed was the benefit cards, or at least the certificate number so I could get us set up online. Again, waiting.

Finally today he brought them home. There's a problem, however: the cards state his coverage is effective May 1. That simply can't be right. We were told it was six months, so they'd better fix it. Simple as that!

Paul hates when I nag him about these things, so I'll kindly mention it to him in the morning before work and hope that he can find out the details. If anything, it just means I don't get to claim back for some expenses I've paid out on my own plan.

Either way, the point is, I really, really hate that I can't just administer his stuff for him. It's not just this benefit issue, but other things like his payroll, that I know so much about because I do it all day every day. To be at a complete loss of control over his work situations is really hard for me. I figure the best solution is to start up our own business -- Nairn Family... something -- and then I'd definitely know what was going on!

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