Thursday, May 31, 2012

Festival Disappointments

I've been really upbeat this week but have to comment today on something that really irks me. Paul and I signed up to volunteer at Mosaic (a folk festival type of thing in Regina) which occurs this weekend. We did so two months ago. Apparently, the volunteer coordination job was handed over to someone else midway through planning, and some things were misplaced.

As of current, we have not been phoned to volunteer. I confirmed at our Son's of Scotland meeting last Friday that we were still interested and were told that if we filled out forms, we'd be contacted. So much for that. I'm really over it all, and don't care. I'm going to take it as an opportunity to clean my house this weekend instead, and start getting things in order for Paul's mom's visit in three weeks.

I even made a fudge because we were asked to and to bring it along when we volunteered. We were looking forward to taking part in the festivities. So much for that. I know, total downer, but it's really, really disappointing that they aren't more organized.

I'll probably offer to assist with volunteer coordination next year, because I do care and know that I'm good at stuff like that. The last thing I want is for them to be strapped for help, but I also believe that you get what's coming to you if you're not prepared.

Anyway, our lawn looks like the Amazon again and my house is filthy, so I'll get it cleaned up and Paul can get started on some more small projects. I just came up with a new one for him last night :)

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