Monday, May 21, 2012

Pi Motivation

I need some pi motivation. I've pretty much stale-dated the ones I learned, and am having trouble getting back into it. It's not that I don't want to learn more digits -- and I do know that I can -- I've just been preoccupied with life this last month.

I went through the ones I "know" and realize that the last 6-9 are a little sketchy. So, that's it, I'm getting back into it, even if it means I only add a few this week. There may only be 10 days left in this month, but they're going to be busy.

For now, let's just recap where I'm at: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097454459230781640628

That's 74 digits. Not bad, but considering this is day # 143, I could have doubled it by now if I was really focused.

Let's see where the next few months takes me. July 1 is halfway through the year, so I'll have to set a mini goal for that day.

Thanks for continuing to read my blog!

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