Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cherry Angel Food Birthday Cake

Dad's 60th birthday cake was a success, so here are the details in case you'd like to try it for yourself!

   1 box angel food cake mix (any brand)
   1 can cherry pie filling (or any other pie filling, light or regular)
   PC 50% Fruit cherry jam
   Cool Whip

Make the cake simply by adding the pie filling to the cake mix. Use a hand mixer to blend it all together just until it's integrated and smooth. Transfer to two round cake pans or one 9 x 13. Bake for approximately 30-35 minutes. I checked it after 25 because I wasn't sure how long it would take. I think I took it out after 33.

To finish off my cake, I spread the jar of jam on the bottom layer before putting the 2nd layer on top. Then I just topped it off with some light cool whip. It was delicious! I thought it would be too sweet, but with the cool whip not being sweet and the cake being pretty fluffy, it tasted great. I would like to try it with blueberry or lemon or pumpkin... the options are endless!

To be simple, you could just make the cake in the 9 x 13 pan and cut it in squares. It's so tasty on its own, you really don't need anything else. As it was for dad's birthday, I wanted to make it look more exciting, thus the filling and topping.

If you do make it with other ingredients, let me know how they turn out!

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