Monday, May 14, 2012

Can a Cat Be Trained?

I was thinking about training my cats to do things on command. Like sit, lay down, hup up, etc. It IS possible! Well, the internet said it is, so it must be.

The article, "Training a Cat like a Dog" by Barbara Florio Graham describes the steps in cat training:
  1. Respect
  2. Respond
  3. Reward
  4. Reinforce
  5. Teaching No
  6. Leash Training
  7. Repeat
  8. Performing
Ms. Graham also says: Don't be discouraged if your cat doesn't seem to want to do these particular things. What does he or she do naturally? A cat that adores crawling into paper bags may be easily trained to crawl through a cardboard tunnel. One who is always rolling over on the rug can learn to respond to "roll over." Training sessions can provide an opportunity to interact with your cat in a way that's fun for both of you. 

I'm not looking to have Buster and Missy start using the toilet. Not only is that too much work, but Casey would probably start drinking out of it too. I think the first thing I'll train is... leaving me alone at night! HAHA We'll see how that goes...

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