Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My 150th Day

Wow, a momentous day has arrived: it's day # 150 and my blog has had 2000 pageviews!

Let's take this moment to reflect on all the interesting, gross, funny, informative posts I've written... *sigh* and I'm not even halfway through the year yet!

Thank you for being such faithful blog-readers :) I'm going to celebrate with two apricots, a couple grapes, and maybe (if I'm feeling really special) a few salt & vinegar rice crisps and a square of spicy dark chocolate.

Buster wants to say hi as well. He's always trying to type "meow* but usually ends up hitting other keys instead, or sits on my hands. At least he's thinking of you!

I'm still struggling with adding more pieces of pi, but I do remember the ones I learned so far: 3.14159265258979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628


  1. Your blog thing says you have 3 followers. Make that 4. I read you all the time.
    Hope your throat gets better real quick.

  2. I actually have more than that, but only 3 are listed because they have Blogspot accounts.

    Thx for the prayer: I felt much better this morning!


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